Monday, August 5, 2013

Behind the Scenes

I've been giving you all lots of details over the last week, but all you've gotten are the details.  I haven't yet shared many of the emotions, trials, and changes one week has brought us.

We have had Maia with us for exactly one week now and while everything has gone amazingly well so far, I'm still tired.  Not physically tired - emotionally tired.  This whole special needs parenting thing takes some getting used to.

Maia rises early - around 5:30/6 every morning.  I'm not one to just leave her awake and bored in her bed (she had more than enough of that over the past 8 years), so I get up when I hear her moving around.  We head downstairs together and I change her as the Keurig hums away (in BG I had to settle for a cup of juice).  I make her a bottle which she promptly hurls across the room.  (Somewhere along the long trek home she suddenly decided she abhors them.)  we sit in the quiet downstairs and rock together as I try to maintain my zero-based inbox.  It's a lost cause, by the way.

I grab Maia's bottle (which we are encouraged to keep offering her in case she'll take it again) and dump the pediasure/formula mixture into a bowl.  I thicken the liquid with rice cereal and mix in some mashed fruit.  It's a balancing act - getting a balance of nutrients and hydration into her when she will only eat food that is baby food consistency.  We all sit down at the table together for breakfast and Maia plays her game of alternating refusing and asking for her food.  

After breakfast I clean up and we play.  In between play I try to get some housework done.  (This was much easier in our little apartment in BG! lol). Housework is now limited to whatever room we happen to be in at the time since we can't leave Maia unattended with Nathan and Alex yet.  She is learning, but still hasn't mastered "playing kind" yet, so we have to keep a close eye on her when she's with the kids.  This adds a whole new dynamic to everything because Nathan and Alex want nothing more than to be right in her face playing with her and talking to her.  

We repeat the eating/playing/cleaning routine throughout the day with a rest time in the afternoon for everyone and individualized attention for each child in spurts throughout the day.  We work on simple things with Maia such as standing, peek a boo, and movement activities.  Nathan and Alex get to pick what they want to do with us - so far it's been puzzles and Hungry Hungry Hippos.  

Between figuring out Maia's nutrition, watching her interactions with Nathan and Alex, and making sure  everyone is getting plenty of attention during this transition phase, it's no wonder my brain is tired at the end of the day.  There's a lot going on in my head right now. :). By the time things stop moving I'm ready for bed!  I haven't even thought to open Pinterest up at all in the last week.  No games have been played on the iPad and no crafting has been so much as considered.  Life is quickly changing for this Momma.  I thankful for that - but I'm not sure I was quite ready for all of the changes to happen at once!  

Thankfully we have no major health issues that we are concerned with Maia about other than her nutrition. 
 Thankfully Nathan and Alex love their new sister and are great helpers. 
 Thankfully Maia is adjusting well and attaching to us with no hindrances. 
 Thankfully we have people bringing us food so I don't have to spend all evening in the kitchen.  

Lots to be thankful for in addition to the tiredness but I'll be glad when we have all settled in and have a routine that comes naturally again.  :)  I'll also feel much better after we've met with MUSC to get some answers on Maia's care.  

So there you have it.  Things are good.  Hard, but good.  Different, but good.  Can't wait to see how our family changes over the next few weeks.  We're just getting started on this crazy journey!


  1. It's wonderful to watch such a joyous thing happening. I pray things go smoothly and you feel refreshed. :)

  2. You are doing great, Amy! It won't always feel this way--you'll find your new normal! Sending xoxoxox for sweet Maia!

  3. Hi Amy! I found your blog via Susanna's. I'm so glad to see your sweet girl is home. We are adopting 'Alyssa' and 'Beacan' (on RR) and are waiting for a court date. Would you be willing to communicate through email or FB? I'm hoping to get a little photo sharing grout going for the P kids. Recently, several have seen other kids when moms have been on the computer and have gotten very excited, babbling and kissing the computer. It made me think it might be nice to keep them connected with photos.

    1. Hi Sharon! Would love to communicate with you! You should be able to click on the Facebook link at the top right of the page and find me that way :)
