Monday, July 22, 2013

How To Prepare for Adoption Travel

For those who haven't adopted (or are beginning the process) here's a little sneak peek into what adoption travel prep looks like.  Granted, I don't have a whole heck of a lot of experience, but we have two trip preps under our belt now.  This is what it looks like in our family.

 Make a list.
 Rewrite your list.
Rewrite and color code your list.

(Be sure to add the little boxes to check off)

Clean your house

(Be sure to mop your floors and wipe down the baseboards.  This might be the last time these EVER get done.  If you have three kids developmentally under the age of 5, this IS probably the last time this will get done.)

Make some freezer meals

(In my freezer: lasagna, chicken enchiladas, breakfast casserole, breakfast sandwiches, homemade pancakes, baked ziti, cowboy casserole, pizza casserole, and honey chicken)

Pack your child's bag.  Her very first suitcase with things that are ALL HER OWN.  

(And then re-pack it.  At least twice for good measure.)

Take a little break to enjoy life.  This moment won't ever be the same again.
Life is about to get CA-RAY-ZEE.  Enjoy this season while it's here.

Then get back to your list.

Call the bank.  Arrange childcare.  Board the dog.  Book your hotel.  And your flights.  Pack.  Clean the house.  Again.  (Feel free to ignore the floors and baseboards this time.)  Spend quality time with your kids at home.  Roll around on the floor.  Play tag.  Paint fingernails.  

And don't forget to prepare the house for your newest addition!

(We assembled the pack and play, set up the crib, arranged the age-appropriate toys, and color coded the clothes in the closet.  Yes, I'm OCD. A little.)

Don't finish your list in time and you'll run around like a chicken without it's head.  (This happened our first trip when yours truly came down with the stomach bug two days before leaving.)  Finish your list early and you'll be sitting around trying to fill the time before you leave.  (Currently happening.)  Is there a balance?  If we adopt again maybe I'll find the balance.  ;)

And there you have it.  How adoption travel prep looks in our family.

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